Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Take my word for it

Seriously. Trust me here. Go make this sandwich now:

Peanut butter, cucumber and mayo. Yes, you read that correctly, but just for emphasis - peanut butter, cucumber, and mayo.

The peanut butter provides the roof-of-mouth-stick-effect, the thin layer of mayo delicately balances said effect, and the cucumber provides a toothy crunch. Some tips on constructing this gem of a sandwich follow. I'll be sure to add photos the next time I fix one of these for myself.

This sandwich is somewhat of an adopted family recipe, and works best on an adopted family bread - Gifford bread. Now, Gifford bread is not readily available in your local grocery store (in fact, not available in any grocery store), but what you're looking for is a hearty, whole wheat-ish, molasses bread that will provide a tacky surface for the peanut butter to stick to - wonder bread won't get the job done here folks.

Also, English (seedless) cucumber works best here, peeled to remove any bitterness, and sliced medium thin.

Now on to the spreadables - while i generally prefer crunchy peanut butter to smooth, the latter seems to work better in this application, and definitely get the salted kind. Whatever you do, make sure it's natural peanut butter, which shouldn't have any ingredients other than peanuts and salt (this is generally good advice, btw, in order to avoid those nasty hydrogenated fats). As for the mayo, i actually use a low-fat mayo here in place of a full fat variety, which may be too rich in this setting. And don't slather on the mayo! Save the slathering for the peanut butter. We're going for more of an oil-slick effect here.

Order of operations (ask me about the peanut butter sandwich construction technical specification some other time): generously spread peanut butter on one slice of bread and top with peeled cucumber slices. Thinly coat the other slice of bread with mayo. Sandwich the two together and nosh away.

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